
Original Lost in Space toys from the sixties are highly sought after collectibles today and it's not hard to see why. Although most of original viewers of the show are now adults well into their thirties and even older, those Lost in Space toys, simple and mass-produced as they were, hold endless fascination. For some of us lucky to own them as children, the toys evoke memories of a happier and simpler time, when watching Lost in Space seemed to be the highlight of the week.

There wasn't a great range to choose from but at least there seemed to be a toy for every category. A young child could dress up in a Ben Cooper Halloween costume, put on a Remco Lost in Space Helmet and arm himself to the teeth with the multi-functional Roto-Jet gun from Mattel. Complete episodes of Lost in Space could be replayed with the Mattel Switch'N Go set and of course the Remco Robot made for a steadfast companion - well at least until the power pack (batteries) ran out. It didn't seem to bother us kids that many of the toys on offer were simply generic toys that were slightly modified. The mere presence of a Lost in Space sticker on a toy was enough to guarantee hours of adventure.

It seems all the major US toymakers from the 60's with the notable exception of Ideal produced licensed Lost in Space toys. But the remarkable thing was that unlike the explosion of Batman merchandise a year later, Lost in Space never seemed to be able to attract much license interest. Why was such a popular show so neglected by toymakers? The answer will probably never be known but it is interesting to note that almost 10 years later in 1977, AHI, producer of a leg walking Lost in Space Robot, decided to cancel their license agreement to produce further official Lost in Space Robots. Rumor has it that wrangling with copyright owners over their unreasonable demands caused the deal to fall through. Interestingly, AHI continued to produce the toy but under the name "Outer Space Robot" and without the "Lost in Space" logo.

Apart from some cheap Robots produced in Brazil, a few toys in Japan, and toys produced under license from US toymakers, we are not aware of any unique Lost in Space toys being produced in foreign countries. But we would not be surprised to hear of their existence and would be grateful to receive information and especially photo confirmation. Also if anyone has a foreign toy produced under license, example the Milton Bradley game, let us know about it especially if there is some variation from the US product.

Click here for cool Lost in Space stuff!